“After all, you’re the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.”
There are few things more miraculous and beautiful than growing a tiny, perfect human. It’s such an intimate experience, forging an unbreakable bond between parent and baby. That’s why it’s such an honor to photograph a maternity session: I’ve been issued an invitation into the most intimate experience of your life. So imagine my joy when Amanda contacted me back in March with news of her little one’s arrival. I was SO thrilled.

Amanda & Jason’s Journey to Pregnancy
Amanda and Jason had been trying to get pregnant for a few months when the strip turned pink. Amanda found out she was pregnant the week of Christmas and says it was the “Best Christmas gift EVER!” She couldn’t contain her excitement. She immediately called Jason at work and sent photos of the positive pregnancy test. How sweet is that?

Sharing the Good News with Family and Friends
Rather than waiting to find out the baby’s gender, Amanda and Jason chose to conduct early prenatal testing. When the results were in, they looked at the results online together and celebrated with dessert. “We knew the gender before we told anyone we were pregnant, so it was cool to be able to tell everyone we were pregnant and that it was a boy,” says Amanda.
To announce the impending arrival of their little bundle of joy, Amanda and Jason sent Valentines cards to everyone. Can you think of a better way to celebrate love than an outpouring of congratulations on their new little Valentine?

The Ups and Downs of Pregnancy
Amanda was one of the lucky women who thoroughly enjoyed being pregnant. Aside from some morning sickness in the first trimester, it was relatively smooth sailing. `She delivered her sweet baby boy, who they named Julian, at Henrico’s Doctor’s Hospital with no complications.

Amanda & Jason’s Maternity Session
Maymont is one of my favorite locations to host sessions, so when Amanda and Jason told me they wanted a lot of greenery and plants in their Maternity photos, I knew it would be perfect! An added bonus, baby Julian’s nursery is safari themed – full of neutrals and plenty of green. j

A Wish For Their Son
“We found out at our 20 week appointment that Julian would be born with a limb difference because his right hand did not develop. My one wish for him would be to know that he is super special and there’s nothing he can’t do! Just because he only has one hand doesn’t mean things will hold him back. He will find a way to do things his own way.”

Why choose EmmiClaire Photography for your maternity session?
“Emily was so personable! She made the session fun!“
Contact EmmiClaire Photography today to chat about your maternity session!

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